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Why do I have to wait 2 years for Medicare?

What if you don’t wait for 2 years and require Medicare immediately?

We’ll both agree that Medicare has been a lifesaver for many people.

Let me assure you that you are not alone in your anxiety about having to wait two years for the same thing. 

Concerns that will keep you from getting Medicare?

  • What if one requires coverage before completing the waiting period?
  • Would you have to pay for 24 hour home care or nursing services out of your own pocket if you were terminally ill?
  • Many people are not only unaware of the benefits that come with Medicare, but they are also afraid to enroll because of the two-year waiting period. 

What could be the reason behind the two-year waiting period?

We all have heard that “prevention is better than cure”, well some preventions come with a 2-year waiting period. 

The main rationale for the two-year delay is to keep costs down for the Medicare trust funds and ensure that only persons with severe disabilities and long-term diseases receive coverage. 

Medicare was initially launched and exclusively designed to benefit adults over the age of 65 only. 

But now it also provides coverage to differently-abled as well. 

This undoubtedly is an expensive addition therefore a two-year waiting period has been enforced to keep costs down.

But the point to remember is that the waiting period is only for those receiving SSDI, and the same doesn’t apply if you’re 65 years old or above. 

You would like to hear this next part…

Before going ahead, let me tell you something about SSDI

What is Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI?

The United States Government’s Social Security Disability Insurance program is supported by payroll taxes. 

It is administered by the Social Security Administration and is intended to offer monthly benefits to persons who are unable to work due to a medically determinable impairment. 

Are there any exceptions?

It could be exasperating for you to wait 2 years for Medicare when they can no longer make an income.

End-stage renal disease (ESRD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are two conditions that can be avoided from this.

Is there a way of getting coverage during the waiting period?

You might have a few options for coverage during the wait.

You have the option of availing of your previous employer’s COBRA plan. 

Sounds simple, right? So what’s the catch? The catch here is that you will, however, be responsible for the entire cost, including the portion paid by your employer.

And I’m not stopping there…

If you’re lucky, depending on your state’s laws, you might automatically qualify for Medicaid if you have a low income.

But that’s not all.

The United States Health Insurance Marketplace allows you to shop for coverage. 

The Marketplace application will take into account your eligibility for Medicaid as well as tax credits that could help you save money.

Should you enroll in Medicare now?

I know what you’re thinking…

After a certain point, Medicare will come in handy. 

We need Medicare because of our expanding health needs, regardless of the waiting period.

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